INSTRUMENTS: Guitar, Piano, Bass, Ukulele, Voice, Drums
GENRES: Jazz, Folk, Bossa Nova, Contemporary, Blues, Rock, Classical Timi (pronounced Timmy) took to instruments of his own accord at a very young age, and was soon known around the streets of Elmwood Park as the go-to musical wizz kid. By junior high, he was a part of six different bands, and playing a different instrument in each. He has since particularly honed his skills on guitar and piano, and has provided solo performances for numerous cocktail hours, wedding ceremonies, and other high-end private events. Timi is known for his unique ability to layer guitar lines in one-of-a-kind loop pedal performances, creating a "one-man-band" aesthetic for your cocktail party or reception. During the week, Timi works as an industrial hygienist, and in his spare time, he enjoys riding his bike, and home brewing his own beer. ARTISTIC INFLUENCES: The Beatles, Dr. Dog, Led Zeppelin, Dawes FUN FACT: Timi won the St. Ignatius High School Battle of the Bands while he was still in 7th grade. |